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WordPress website targeted by hackers

As our website is built on WordPress we found this article very useful. This is worth reading if your website is also built in WordPress:

WordPress has been attacked by a botnet of “tens of thousands” of individual computers since last week.  The botnet targets WordPress users with the username “admin”, trying thousands of possible passwords.

The attack began a week after WordPress improved its security with an optional two-step authentication log-in option. This involves a personalised “secret number” allocated to users in addition to a username and password, and ensuring that the latest version of WordPress is installed.

The site currently powers 64m websites read by 371m people each month.  According to survey website W3Techs, around 17% of the world’s websites are powered by WordPress.

WordPress founder, Matt Mullenweg is recommending that if you still use ‘admin’ as a username on your blog, change it, and use a strong password. He also advised adopting the two-step authentication log in option.

Matthew Prince, chief executive and co-founder of Cloudflare, said that the aim of the attack might have been to build a stronger botnet.

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